One of our favourite and most satisfying tasks as mortgage brokers at Smartline Rockingham is helping families obtain financing for their first homes. We love all aspects of our job but there is nothing like the look on a homebuyer’s face when they are approved for that first home loan.
Recently, an interesting profile on people saving for their first home deposit came to light. According to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), confident savers tend to obtain their first homes faster than those who don’t have as much confidence. That is because their confidence leads them to specific behaviours that make them more likely to save up for their deposits faster.
Planning Breeds Confidence
For most, confidence is in the planning. You need a destination in the form of goals and a timeframe to help get you there. For example, how much money do you want to spend on a home? You will need a 20% deposit. How much can you save and how long will it take you to get your deposit? How much are you willing to put away every week for your deposit? What specific date do you want to buy your first home?
If you answer these questions, then it’s just a matter of executing your plan. And the best way to get started is to talk to a mortgage broker who can let you know how much you will be able to borrow and help you plan your savings.
Call the Mortgage Brokers at Smartline Rockingham
We have been helping people just like you obtain home loans in the Rockingham area since 1999. We have credit products from 28 different lenders. We know which ones are more friendly to first home buyers and other specific financial profiles. We have spent a long time developing relationships with lenders, making us a great option for first home buyers.
It may be your first home loan but we have been through the process thousands of times. We make it easy for you so you can spend your time taking care of business.
Call us today: (08) 9527 1800.