A lot of people don’t understand why they should use a home loan broker. They think they can go to their bank and get a great loan that is perfect for them. After all, they are loyal customers and the bank should go out of their way to keep them, right? Not so fast, my friend.
At Smartline Rockingham, we are asked this question a lot. While your bank may very well have the best deal for you, there is no guarantee. Most of all, you won’t receive any preferential treatment for being a valued customer of long standing. It just doesn’t work that way. There is too much at stake for lenders. They have to make sure they are going to get their money back when they loan it to you.
Consequently, they run your numbers through the same metrics that they would run those of anyone else who applies for a home loan. Sometimes you win; sometimes you lose.
At Smartline Rockingham, we currently have access to 28 different lenders. That makes it a lot more likely that you will find the right home loan for your situation than it would be if you only talked to one lender. We have access to 28 times as many credit products as your favourite bank or lender has. That gives us a huge advantage.
What We Do
At Smartline Rockingham, we have been helping your friends and neighbours obtain home loans since 1999. We have helped numerous homebuyers in Kwinana, Baldivis and other areas find the right mortgages for their personal financial situations.
After we obtain some basic information and find out exactly what you are looking for, we use our years of knowledge and expertise to determine which lenders are the most amenable to your individual financial situation. Then, we apply to a select few lenders on your behalf. When the offers come back, we discuss them with you and together we determine which is right for you.
To learn more, call Smartline Rockingham today: (08) 9527 1800.